Pick up a copy of the Baltimore Sun and you’ll likely find cases of Baltimore County car accidents where the offending drivers were slapped with serious traffic or criminal charges. The State of Maryland has very specific legal language on the books regarding when traffic violations warrant traffic or criminal charges. In the eyes of Maryland law…
Reckless Driving is defined as, “A person is guilty of reckless driving if he drives a motor vehicle: In wanton or willful disregard for the safety of people or property; or In a manner that indicates a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of people or property.”
Negligent Driving occurs when, “A person is guilty of negligent driving if he or she drives a motor vehicle in a careless or imprudent manner that endangers any property or the life of any individual.” (Source: Maryland.gov: Maryland Driver’s Handbook)
Dangerous driving practices such as aggressive driving, driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (DUI), speeding, and texting while driving can all cause deadly auto accidents and bring various charges, depending on the offense.
As experienced Baltimore County traffic accident injury lawyers, we’ve seen the damage and toll reckless and negligent driving take on Maryland families. What some people don’t know is that a driver facing criminal or traffic charges in the Maryland Courts may also be sued for monetary damages in civil court.
Civil court is where the injured car, truck, motorcycle or pedestrian accident victims — or the family of those killed in Md. traffic accidents — sue the driver held responsible, requesting compensation for pain and suffering, loss of income, and medical bills.
That’s why it’s so critical to contact an experienced Maryland accident injury attorney right away, to ensure the best outcome for the victims in both the criminal and civil cases — and to make sure dangerous drivers are taken off Maryland’s roads and highways.
Read more about this topic in my article on…
Baltimore, Maryland Auto Accident Liability : Civil Lawsuits vs. Criminal Cases
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