
Maryland Injury Attorney Blog


Prevent Drunk Driving Accidents in Baltimore, Maryland This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend is nearly upon us. Here in Baltimore County, Md. and around the country, the long holiday weekend gives people one last chance to enjoy some R&R with family and friends before the fall school schedule swings into gear. Like all other holiday weekends, Labor Day is also…


Avoid Maryland Aggressive Driving Accidents : Baltimore Grand Prix Drivers Say Leave the Street Racing to Them

The Inaugural Baltimore Grand Prix 2011 IndyCar Series is just around the corner, with Labor Day Weekend coming up fast. If you’ve been following the Maryland news or driving around downtown Baltimore, you may have noticed that the city is being turned into a racing circuit. The Baltimore Grand Prix…


Is Your Maryland Workplace Unsafe? OSHA Announces Plans to Improve Whistleblower Protection Program

“Whistleblower.” The name itself conjures up images straight out of a Hollywood thriller. Many movies have been made over the years about the plight of whistleblowers — brave souls who try to expose corporate corruption, greed, and danger in the workplace — usually at their own peril. Memorable movies about…


Maryland Restaurant Sued for Liability in Fatal Drunk Driving Car Accident Case : SUV Crash Killed Girl, Age 10

As of this past April, 37 states had laws on the books holding liquor vendors liable or partially liable for serving patrons who become intoxicated and then get in drunk driving auto accidents causing injury, death, or damages. These are called “dram shop acts” or “dram shop laws” — and…


Lighter Maryland Traffic Expected for July 4 Holiday — But Drunk Driving Accidents Still a Public Safety Concern

Blame it on the economy and high gas prices…and maybe a little Maryland driver fatigue. AAA Mid-Atlantic projects that Maryland traffic this 4th of July holiday weekend will be 2 percent lighter than last year, with an estimated 760,000 Maryland drivers taking to our state’s roads and highways. Those who…


Maryland Motorist Safety : Is What’s Parked in Your Driveway Safer than the Car Your Father Drove?

How many modern safety features does the car you own and drive in Baltimore County, Maryland have? We’ve come a long way in motor vehicle safety features since our parents first herded us kids into the back of the family sedan. All passenger cars since 1967 are required to have…


Maryland Motorcycle Traffic Accident Deaths Increase in 2010, Study Results Show

Do you own and operate a motorcycle in Maryland? How safe do you feel sharing Maryland’s back roads, Baltimore city streets, highways, and bridges with cars, trucks (including commercial trucks), SUVs, vans, and other motor vehicles? Do you feel Md.’s traffic safety laws are adequate to protect motorcycle operators and…


Maryland Farmer Work Safety : Labor Dept. Says Farming Jobs Among Most Dangerous, Prone to Accidents

When people think of hazardous occupations, a certain few come to mind, such as fire fighters and police officers. However anyone in Maryland who does farming and agricultural work already knows what a government report revealed to be true: Farming work is hazardous and can cause injury and death. What…


Maryland Drivers Among Worst in U.S. for Knowledge of State Driving Laws

As experienced Baltimore County car accident injury lawyers who’ve served the people of Maryland for decades, we’re well aware of the dangers of driving in the Old Line State. From Baltimore City streets, to our beloved Chesapeake Bay Bridge, to our highways and back roads — all are travelled by…


Protecting Baltimore, Maryland Dock Workers from Accident and Injury : OSHA Updates General Working Conditions for Shipyard Employment

This month, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) updated regulations protecting shipyard workers from work-related injuries. The new ruling reflects advancements in maritime industry technologies and practices. OSHA reports that its employment standards for shipyard workers had not been significantly updated since 1972. As we…

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