It’s become a tragic and all-too-familiar news story: A driver involved in a fatal car accident was found to be texting or talking on a cell phone right before the deadly crash occurred. Often the driver is a teenager, an inexperienced youth operator just learning the rules of the road.…
Maryland Injury Attorney Blog
Maryland Workers’ Compensation Fund Could Be Privatized, If State Bill Passes
Maryland lawmakers have moved forward with legislation that seeks to privatize the state-run Workers’ Compensation fund. S.B. 745 seeks to require the Maryland Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund (IWIF) to restructure into a private workers’ compensation insurance fund, to be known as the Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Co. The bill was introduced…
Which Maryland Traffic Safety Laws Save the Most Lives?
If you grew up in my generation, going for a Sunday drive along Maryland back roads was a leisurely family pastime. We kids piled in the back of the sedan or station wagon, with dad at the wheel and mom riding shotgun. Life was a lot simpler in those days.…
University of Maryland Research : Pedestrians Wearing Headphones at Greater Risk for Traffic Accident Injury and Death
Have you noticed how the behavior of Maryland pedestrians has changed in recent years? Used to be people walked down the street, looked around at the buildings and scenery, and thought about the day’s activities. They walked to and from work, school, and the store, pushed babies in carriages, and…
US Labor Dept. Sues Towson, Maryland Employer over Mishandling Workers’ Retirement Contributions
A Towson, Maryland rehabilitation center has been sued by the United States Department of Labor for allegedly mishandling employees’ retirement contributions. According to a news release, the U.S. Labor Dept. has filed a lawsuit against Towson Rehabilitation Center LLC and its CEO for failure to remit employees’ retirement contributions to…
Maryland Hybrid Drivers : Pedestrian Accident Injury Liability Claims Up, Insurance Report Says
Hybrid vehicles are rising in popularity in Maryland and across the U.S., as more people seek to save money on gas with an environmentally friendlier vehicle. However according to a recent insurance industry report, hybrids vehicles aren’t always as friendly to pedestrians. Liability claims for pedestrian accidents with hybrid vehicles…
U.S. Highway Safety Group Green Lights Maryland Traffic Laws, While Noting Areas that Need Improvement
Though Baltimore County commuters might beg to differ, Maryland has recently been ranked as one of the safer states in the country for motorists. (See related Maryland Injury Attorney articles below.) Now a new study released by a national highway traffic safety advocacy group ranks Maryland among states given a…
Maryland Work Injury and Death Statistics Shed Light on Most Hazardous Occupations
Which are the most dangerous occupations in Maryland? What types of fatal work-related accidents occur most frequently? As we look ahead to 2012, it’s worth looking to the recent past to consider Maryland workplace safety, accidents that happen on the job, and trends. The answers may be found in the…
Maryland Car Accident Death Rates Down, But Many Traffic Safety Challenges Remain
As a new year begins, it’s worth noting some traffic accident statistics and trends for the state of Maryland. There’s some encouraging news, but many Md. traffic safety and driving challenges remain. A recent story reported by CBS Baltimore noted that Maryland traffic accident fatalities decreased by 10 percent last…
Should Maryland Laws Banning Cell Phone Use While Driving Get Even Tougher?
Last week, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) made a bold recommendation — one that urges states to take another look at their driving laws and has the driving public talking about individual rights versus public safety. In the wake of several fatal distracted driving traffic accidents, the NTSB proposed…