
Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents


Baltimore County Winter Driving Safety : Is Your Car a Moving Igloo After a Maryland Snow Storm?

As experienced Baltimore car accident injury lawyers will attest — winter driving in Maryland can be mighty challenging. This is true for any Baltimore County resident who commutes to work on Maryland highways and roads, maybe over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge or into Baltimore City on a daily basis. Snow…


Maryland Elderly Drivers More Apt to Be Killed in Traffic Accidents, AAA Reports

When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with an elderly parent or grandparent about their driving abilities? As uncomfortable as that might be, it could be a life saver. A Baltimore news source reported that the AAA found that on average, more than one Maryland senior citizen…


Maryland on List of States for Ford Windstar Minivan Safety Recall : Failed Axle to Blame in Deadly Vehicle Accident

This past August, Ford Motor Company and the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) issued a safety recall for the Windstar minivan. Windstar model years 1998-2003 manufactured and sold in Canada and several cold-weather states — Maryland included — are at risk for axle cracking, corrosion and failure, which could…


Heads Up Maryland Parents : Teen Car Accident Rates Go Down When Parents Set Road Rules

If you’re a parent in Maryland with a teenage driver on the road, you might be interested in a study about teen driving safety and supervision. The journal Pediatrics reports that teen car accidents are less likely to happen in families where parents lay down ground rules before the kids…


Maryland Traffic Safety: DOT Study Shows U.S. Distracted Driving Accident Deaths Not Going Down

Though nationally and in Maryland, overall traffic accident deaths have declined — distracted driving death rates remain unchanged. So says a new study released by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation. DOT Secretary Ray LaHood describes the problem of distracted driving as a national “epidemic.” Some alarming numbers: One in 8…


Dubious Distinction: Baltimore Maryland Drivers Among Worst in the Nation, Allstate Report Finds

Anyone who drives to or from the city of Baltimore, Maryland at rush hour will tell you — it’s not for the faint of heart. Like most older American cities, Baltimore has problems with traffic congestion. There are simply too many drivers jockeying to get someplace at the same time…


Maryland Dog Lovers: Unrestrained Canines in Cars Pose Distracted Driving Hazards, AAA Study Says

Does your dog ride shotgun in your car, truck or SUV — his head hanging out the window and tongue flapping in the breeze? Or is your beloved pooch planted happily on your lap as you drive on Baltimore County, Maryland streets and highways? We’ve all seen them go by…


Drunk Driving Prevention: Maryland Ramps Up Police Patrols and Sobriety Checkpoints through Labor Day Weekend

With Labor Day weekend fast approaching, the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA) announced that several states will be launching drunk driving prevention and law enforcement initiatives — including Maryland. Maryland’s efforts to deter deadly drunk driving accidents over Labor Day weekend and beyond include… o Checkpoint Strikeforce: The Maryland Highway…


Maryland Traffic Crash Data : Auto Accidents and Fatalities Down, but Aggressive Driving Stats Up

The Choose Safety for Life * Maryland Safety Campaigns has posted some interesting data on motor vehicle accidents in Maryland: Total number of Maryland car crashes has gone down from 104,103 in 2004 to 95,349 in 2008. The number of fatal crashes has also declined: from 576 in 2004 to…


Maryland Texting Ban and Car Accident Prevention: New Report Says Adults as Guilty as Youth of Texting while Driving

“Don’t drive too fast.” “Be careful with your mother’s car.” “Keep your eyes on the road.” “Be home by your curfew.” All typical warnings parents give to their teenagers when they hand over their car keys to them — and pray they come back home alive. Now, 21st century parents…

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