
Baltimore Lawyer Representing Clients in Johns Hopkins Gynecologist Alleged Medical Misconduct Case : “These are serious and disturbing allegations…”

Patients put their trust in their doctors to not only treat their ailments and preserve their health — but to maintain patient privacy at all times. When a patient enters a doctor’s office in Baltimore, Maryland or anywhere else, they expect to be treated with respect. They expect their confidentiality and privacy to be upheld. It’s an understanding that makes going to the doctor a little bit easier.

This is why the criminal investigation into alleged medical misconduct by a Johns Hopkins Hospital gynecologist is so shocking and difficult to understand. The story broke earlier this month. Baltimore media reported that a hospital employee had tipped off officials that an OB GYN doctor was allegedly taking unauthorized photos and videos of patients — possibly with his own photographic equipment — and storing them electronically.

Here at The Law Offices of Butschky & Butschky, LLC, we have begun consulting to patients and others who are concerned their privacy may have been violated by the OB-GYN doctor under investigation at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. These are serious and disturbing allegations, and our clients have justifiable concerns about whether their privacy may have been breached.

According to Baltimore media reports, Dr. Nikita Levy was allegedly confronted by hospital officials about the alleged unauthorized patient photos and videos, and his employment was terminated. Several days later, Baltimore Police reportedly discovered Dr. Levy deceased in his Towson, Maryland home of an apparent suicide.

A criminal investigation is underway regarding Dr. Levy and the alleged improprieties that may have occurred during his employment at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Media reports state that Johns Hopkins Hospital, which is conducting its own separate inquiry, has begun to notify patients. However, Dr. Levy potentially saw hundreds or more patients and others during his many years at the hospital, and not all patients have been contacted. The Baltimore Sun reported that Dr. Levy began practicing medicine at Johns Hopkins in 1988 after he was granted his Maryland medical license.

It’s unclear from media reports what the gynecologist allegedly may have been taking photos or videos of, and/or what he may have been doing with them. Baltimore Police reportedly gathered evidence in Dr. Levy’s home in Towson, Maryland.

No one expects a doctor — a professional who invested years in medical school and training, who took the Hippocratic Oath to “do no harm” — to breach patient privacy. If you were treated by or had contact with the Johns Hopkins Hospital gynecologist under investigation, please contact our office today to discuss your rights. We advise clients not to talk to hospital attorneys, as that may compromise your case.

Please call us today in Baltimore at (410) 472-3651 or toll free at (800) 722-6616.

Read more about this case in our press release:

Baltimore Attorneys Butschky & Butschky, LLC Offer Free Consultation to Patients Concerned about Johns Hopkins Hospital OB-GYN Investigation


Hopkins patients come forward as investigation into secret recording continues
The Baltimore Sun Feb. 19, 2013
Ex Johns Hopkins OB/GYN kills self amid patient photo investigation
WBAL TV 11 Feb. 19, 2013

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