
Maryland Injury Attorney Blog


Maryland Top Causes of Winter Car Accidents

First snow of the season brings not only joy for the kids and a pretty winter picture outside – but Maryland drivers who must navigate through snow, ice, and sleet on the roadways. This isn’t just true for us but for other Mid-Atlantic and Northeast region states where snow is…


Maryland Road Worker Protection Act Updates Roll Out for 2025

We’ve all driven past road crews on the sides of our Maryland highways — where construction, repairs, and other road work happens seemingly within feet of speeding motor vehicles. It takes a special kind of man or woman to do this hard manual labor for hours, in hot and cold…


Back to School 2024: Maryland School Zone Related Traffic Laws

Summer has once again gone by too fast, and — to the chagrin of Maryland’s school-aged children — school is back in session. For Maryland kids and parents, back to school means adjusting to new schedules, getting used to new teachers, reconnecting with classmates, and growing up just a little…


Hot Jobs: Maryland Takes Lead on State Heat Stress Standards for Workers

Seems like summers in Maryland are getting hotter and hotter, and most of us can’t wait to escape into the comfort of air conditioning. However, many workers do not have that luxury. That includes a number of professions including emergency personnel (police officers, EMTs, and firefighters), construction workers and other…


Maryland Drivers Beware: The “100 Deadliest Days of Summer” Have Begun

School’s out! And that means more teenaged and inexperienced drivers on our Maryland highways, city and suburban streets, and rural backroads. Public safety officials describe the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day as “the 100 deadliest days of summer” – due to the historical increase in motor vehicle accidents…


Maryland Backup and Parking Lot Crashes: Do Rear-View Safety Systems Prevent Pedestrian Accidents?

Most Maryland drivers have found themselves in this frightening situation. You’re slowly backing out of a parking space, watching your surroundings, when suddenly – a pedestrian walks directly behind your vehicle. You slam on your brakes to avoid an accident. Or maybe you have an automatic emergency rear braking system…


Maryland Car Crash Fatalities on Track to Surpass 600 Deaths in 2023

The Maryland Department of Transportation reports the number of motor vehicle accident fatalities on our state’s highways and roadways continues to grow. According to Zero Deaths Maryland, a public safety program of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), car crash deaths are expected to surpass 600 fatalities for 2023 —…


Maryland Pedestrian Accident Deaths: Top Causes and Characteristics

Pedestrians are at a serious disadvantage when they are involved in motor vehicle accidents. Even when a pedestrian is struck by a slow-moving vehicle, serious injuries and fatalities can occur. This includes people who are hit while walking, running, standing or simply getting out of their vehicle. The risk of…


Maryland Motorcycle Accidents : Current Statistics and Crash Data

The allure of motorcycling is unmistakable. Motorcycle enthusiasts describe a feeling of freedom, being close to the environment, and enjoying the open road. It’s all about the ride. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) estimates the number of registered motorcycles in the U.S. doubled from 4.3 million in 2002…

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